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This Privacy Policy applies to the website of Aviaspares, that is https://avia.trading/, and shall be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use and Disclaimer.


References to “we,” “our,” and “us” in this Privacy Policy refers to the owners or operators of the Platform. References to “you” and “your” means persons or entities visiting or using the Platform in any manner. In this Privacy Policy, the following definitions apply:


Scope of Policy


Please be aware this Privacy Policy applies only to this Platform. Within the Platform, you may see links or references to other/ third-party websites which are not covered by this Privacy Policy and are likely to have different information practices (“Third-party Sites”). We encourage you to read the privacy policy of all Third-party Sites you visit or use. The third-party references and links that we provide are for your convenience only, to make your browsing experience better on the Platform; this should not be construed as an endorsement of Third-party Sites in any manner. You are solely responsible for any interactions you may have with any Third-party Sites.


This Privacy Policy sets out and explains our policies and practices relating to collection, use and accessibility, behavioral advertising and Third-party Sites, sharing/ disclosure, opting out, and data security of any personal information when you visit or use the Platform.


Use of the Platform


Before using the Platform and particularly before submitting personally identifiable information via this Platform, you should read this entire Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this Platform constitutes your full agreement to this Privacy Policy together with the Terms of Use. If the Privacy Policy is not acceptable to you, please do not submit any personally identifiable information via this Platform and immediately cease accessing the Platform.


Collection of Information


The Platform collects information in two (2) ways: actively and passively. We may collect information including personally identifiable information such as your full name and email address, and non-personally identifiable information (e.g. aggregate statistics about what parts of our Platform are most popular).


Active information collection can include both personally identifiable information (e.g. your full name, email address, or similar information that is unique to you) and non-personally identifiable information (e.g. if we were to ask for your first name and a list of the top three things you like about our Platform). 


You shall ensure that all personally identifiable information disclosed to the Platform is honest, true, and accurate at all times. In the event that any personally identifiable information disclosed by you and submitted to us has experienced a variation, amendment, or change, you shall immediately inform us at [email protected] and we shall take immediate action to correct our records and amend your personally identifiable information stored and processed by us. A breach of these obligations shall be deemed as a material breach of the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.


Active information is collected from a user at the following touchpoints and stored in our processor as per the terms of this Privacy Policy:

  1. Registration – we may ask you to submit the following personally identifiable information in your registration form to create a Client Account on the Platform: full name, email address, and a secure password. You may ask the Platform to ‘save your password’ for future use. Your name shall not be visible to other users when you submit a Bid on the Platform. 
  2. Newsletter – we will ask you to submit your registered email address for this purpose.
  3. Contact us – you will be required to submit your full name, email address, and phone number to send us a personal message.
  4. Make a Bid – Your Bid shall be visible to other users of the Platform, however, we will not disclose your name or other personally identifiable information on our Client Account alongside your Bid.
  5. Purchase Request – we will ask you for your shipping address when you submit a Purchase Request to the Seller. This shall be further shared with the Seller.
  6. Payments – we will ask you for your credit/ debit card number, CVV, and expiry date to conclude a purchase for a Product.


In all such cases, you grant the Platform permission to send you regular emails, until such time you expressly request to unsubscribe from the email chain or the newsletter, and this request shall not be denied by us.


We shall actively inform you in the event that we introduce a novel feature on the Platform that shall require you to disclose/ submit personally identifiable information to the Platform. You may choose to opt-out from such disclosure and cease use of the Platform at any time.


In line with the data processing laws of Switzerland, we do not collect, process, store, or retain any ‘sensitive personally identifiable information’, whether directly or indirectly, from any user of the Platform.


Passive information collection refers to instances in which we collect information from you that you have not actively provided. We may use special technologies to passively collect non-personally identifiable information from users. These technologies allow us to collect certain kinds of non-personally identifiable information, including but not limited to the type of web browser you use, Internet Protocol (IP) address, time zone, the date and time of your visit, the operating system you use, the specific pages you visit, the address of the website you visited prior to entering the Platform and the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Platform, we collect information about the individual web pages or products that you view, what websites or search terms referred you to the Platform, and information about how you interact with the Platform.


We do not link this passively collected information with personally identifiable information you have actively provided elsewhere on this Platform. We reserve the right to share with third parties, including our business partners and advertisers, the anonymous (non-personally identifiable) aggregated information that we have passively collected via this Platform.


We collect the information identified above, using the following technologies:

  1. Cookies: These are data files that are placed on your browsing device (computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet) and often include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies help us recognize you and your device and store some information about your preferences or past actions. We will ask for your permission to place Cookies or other similar technologies on your browsing device, except where they are essential for us to provide you with the service that you have requested. You can disable Cookies or manage the Cookies you use on your browsing device at any time. The Cookies we use will only be accessed by us and shall not be accessed by any third party.
  2. Google Analytics is a web-based analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic and allows to analyze in-depth detail about the users on our Platform. We may be required to share certain information we collect on the Platform with Google which will be subject to Google’s policies as follows: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245.


What do we do with the Information we Collect


The information we collect from you will only be used to:

  1. provide you with a better browsing experience on the Platform;
  2. help you conclude the purchase you make on the Platform;
  3. provide you with the services available through the Platform;
  4. better communicate with you;
  5. for purposes of data analysis.


Your personal data or your personally identifiable information will not be shared with any third party nor used for any advertisement purposes.


We may use a function to automatically remember the information you use on our Platform for the following reasons:

  • remember information so you will not have to re-enter it during your visit;
  • provide custom content and information;
  • determine the effectiveness of our Platform.


We reserve the right to use, store, or disclose personal information received via the Platform as necessary to respond to your requests, help and facilitate your purchases on the Platform, comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal processes, and law enforcement inquiries (as required or applicable) to take precautions against liability and protect the security and integrity of the Platform and you. We will not sell, lease, transfer, share, or otherwise permit access to your personally identifiable information with any third parties other than as described in this Privacy Policy.


Behavioral advertising

We may use the information we receive, to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s educational page at http://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising/how-does-it-work.


Opting out

You can opt out of sharing information as follows:


Targeted advertising by following these links: 
Google: https://www.google.com/settings/ads/anonymous
Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at:  http://optout.aboutads.info


Revoke access to email:

Upon request, we shall provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information by emailing us at [email protected]. You may choose to disconnect your email account or unsubscribe from our Platform through your account settings. If you no longer have access to your browsing device, you may also contact your email account provider to revoke our access to your account or contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to your request within thirty (30) days from the receipt of your request.


By emailing us:

When you submit information via this Platform, whether such information is required or optional, you consent to its disclosure and use in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you ever decide that you do not wish to receive information from us regarding the Platform, you may unsubscribe to the information through your profile settings on the Platform or by emailing us at [email protected].


To respond to your request or inquiry, we may require follow-up or contact information to allow us to verify that you are the person authorized to view the information you are requesting. We may, at our discretion, refuse to allow you access to certain information if, in our view, to provide such access would jeopardize another person’s privacy; would violate any applicable federal, state, or foreign law, regulation, or directive; or would unreasonably burden this Platform.


Unsubscribing from marketing communications or mailers:

If you receive marketing communication from us, you can email us and ask that we remove you from receiving marketing communications, or request to unsubscribe. We will cease all communication upon your request and unsubscribe you from the mailers and newsletter. Please remember that if you opt out of receiving marketing communication only you may continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding your purchases on the Platform or for the purposes of daily correspondence with us.



Data Processing


Please be informed that our data processor is located in Switzerland. We shall, at all times, be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to data processing, as applied in the location of the processor, as well as, the place of data collection, i.e. the UAE. We shall carry out all our data collection and processing activity in good faith at all times. This Privacy Policy contains the permitted purpose of collection and processing of your data. Your data shall not be collected or processed for any other purposes that are excluded from this Privacy Policy.


Your data shall be processed and retained by us for the entire duration of your registration on the Platform and for a period of one (1) year from the date of termination of your Client Account. We reserve the right to retain your data indefinitely, in the event that your use of the Platform has been permanently prohibited by us, and such retention shall be for the sole purpose to prohibit your future access to the Platform. We have taken reasonable and necessary steps to ensure that your personally identifiable information is safely and securely stored with us.


We urge you to thoroughly understand the terms herein and be aware that this Privacy Policy shall be updated from time to time.


You have the following rights in respect of your personally identifiable information:

  1. the right of access to your personal information;
  2. the right to correct or rectify any inaccurate personal information;
  3. the right to restrict or oppose the processing of personal information;
  4. the right to erase your personal information; and
  5. the right to personal information portability.


You can contact us directly regarding the processing, updating, modification, rectification, access, restriction, or opposition of your personal information by emailing us at [email protected].


Where you have consented to data processing, your consent provides the legal basis to process your personal information, such as when you consent to process in relation to the processing of your data purposes of data analysis in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You have the right to withdraw consent at any time. Please note that your withdrawal of consent to collect and process your personal information will not affect the lawfulness of processing your personal information based on your consent before you withdraw your consent.


We may process your personal information on the basis of contractual necessity to perform a contract we have with you or complete a purchase you have made or are making or are reviewing on the Platform. We may also process your personal information on the basis of our legitimate interests, including analytic reporting and improving the functionality of the Platform. For example, we have a legitimate interest in collecting information about your device hardware and operating system to better understand how users access and use the Platform. We also have a legitimate interest in providing and developing improved artificial intelligence algorithms to deliver better product features to our users.

In some cases, we may process personal information pursuant to legal obligations or to protect your vital interests or those of another person.


Google user data

There are certain limits on the use of your ‘Google user data’. Notwithstanding anything else in this Privacy Policy, consumer Google account information obtained via the Gmail Application Programming Interfaces (API), is subject to these additional restrictions:

  1. The Platform shall not use this Gmail data for serving advertisements;
  2. The Platform shall not allow humans to read this data unless we have your affirmative agreement for specific messages, doing so is necessary for security purposes such as investigating abuse, to comply with applicable law, or for the Platform’s internal operations and even then, only when the data have been aggregated and de-identified.


Data Security 


Although we take reasonable steps to protect the personally identifiable information that you provide via this Platform, no system is 100% secure or error-free and neither is the Platform. We do not, and cannot, guarantee the security or accuracy of the information we gather. It is your responsibility to keep your passwords secure. We strongly recommend that you do not share your passwords with any third party nor store or save them in a manner that may be easily accessed by a third party. We take the protection of your information very seriously and employ measures through administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect information against loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We encrypt all data in transit through secure socket layer technology (SSL), and other security protocols, including hardware firewalls that are set up on the hosting side. We take reasonable precautions to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems but cannot guarantee these security measures will prevent third parties from obtaining information through illegal actions or attacks.


Changes to this Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, at our sole discretion without prior notice. If we do change the Privacy Policy, the new Privacy Policy will be posted here, along with its revision date, and all information collected following the posting of such changes will be subject to the new Privacy Policy. Prior to the use or disclosure of your previously collected personally identifiable information in a materially different manner from that to which you agreed, we will first secure your affirmative consent for such use or disclosure. If such consent is not provided, we will use your personally identifiable information in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time we collected the information.


We encourage you to check this Privacy Policy periodically and prior to each instance in which you provide personally identifiable information through this Platform or use this Platform.


This Platform is not Intended for Use by Children or Minors


This Platform is not directed to and does not seek to collect personally identifiable information from, children under the age of eighteen (18). Nevertheless, if a minor access the Platform for any purpose whatsoever, we reserve the right to ask for additional permissions and consent from the parent of the user. For the purpose of this Platform, minor refers to any user under the age of eighteen (18) years. The aforementioned permissions and consents may change from time to time, at our discretion.


Comments and Feedback


If you are interested in receiving electronic updates, alerts, and other information from us regarding this Platform, you must provide us with an email address. We may also ask for optional information, such as how you found us, to help us better serve you and other users in the future. We welcome your comments and feedback regarding this Platform and third-party services and functionalities to our email address [email protected] which permits you to send through your own email address, comments, and any other information you choose to include. Please remember that email is not secure and we cannot provide you with any guarantees in this respect. You should carefully consider what information you wish to send to us through email or through this feedback option.



Last updated in May 2023