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How to sell


Seller Verification

If you already have a profile, you can apply for seller status by clicking on "Become a Seller".

If you do not have a profile, indicate on the second step of registration that you want to register as a seller.

The site administration will consider your request and, if approved, you will receive a notification and will be provided with the rights to create and manage the store.


Setting up your store

In the settings section, you can add your store's logo, banner, and description. This will make your store more attractive in the eyes of future customers.


Delivery zones

In the "Delivery" section you can create delivery zones, i.e. specify to which countries and at what price delivery will be available.

While creating a delivery zone you should specify zone name, address, country, and city from where you are sending your goods.

After creating a delivery zone you have to provide a few details regarding delivery:

  1. Select countries, where delivery will be available.
  2. Specify the shipping company.
  3. Specify the approximate delivery time in days.
  4.  Indicate the shipping price or mark it as free.
  5. You can also indicate the coefficient (from 0 to 1) that will decrease the shipping cost when the number of items for delivery per order increases.

You can edit your delivery zones on the products page by selecting the "Manage shipping" option.

If you want to add or change existing delivery zones, you have to click on 3 dots and select "Edit" option. In the modal window, you can modify any information pertaining to the delivery of that item. You can also deactivate/activate shipping to certain regions if, for example, you no longer ship there.

Those users who don't have delivery in their country will be able to send you a delivery request. You can accept and add a new shipping zone or reject it. However,  if you later find that shipping to that country is cost-effective, you can move the request back from rejected and add that country to your shipping zones.


Adding an item

In the section "Add product", you need to fill in information about the product: title, drawing number, category, condition, description of condition, main photo, secondary photos, information about the country where the product was produced, warranty period, product description, technical details, in what currency you sell the product and at what price, delivery zone(s), brand and returns information.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required, the rest are optional.

By default, translations to other languages are done automatically in the text fields, but you can manually modify the translation.

If you don't see a suitable subcategory, you may suggest creating one that best suits your product. The administration will review your suggestion and you will be notified if a new subcategory is created.

Next, you need to select a delivery zone(s) for the product. A shipping zone can be for multiple products and multiple shipping zones can be selected for a single product.

You can schedule the creation of an announcement ahead of time by filling in the "Schedule" section and the item will be published at the specified time.

In the "Return Options" section, you have to specify the number of days the customer has to return your item, which should not be less than 14 days. During this time, funds will be frozen and you will not be able to withdraw the amount until this period has passed.



After a customer has made a purchase, you will receive a notification in the "Notifications" section and by email.

You can find the order and all the related information, namely the product, quantity, and shipping address, on the page with the list of all orders.

After shipping the item, you must change the status to "Sent" and note the tracking number.

The customer has the right to return the product and request a refund if it does not correspond to the description. You have to specify the number of days authorized to request a refund when you add a product, however, it cannot be less than 14 days.



After the buyer has paid for the order, the amount is placed on hold on the payments page of the store. The funds become available for withdrawal after a certain period of time in case no return/refund is requested by the customer within a certain period of time. This is the number of days you specify when adding an item.

When payment becomes active, you can request the funds be transferred to your account. The administration of the website will review your request and make the payment in accordance with the Terms of Use. You have to provide the bank account details in the settings of your store.